In these series, I strive to capture the essence of these classic figures as embodiments of light, hope, and resurrection through two-dimensional paintings. The angel symbolizes guidance, sustenance, and love—universal themes that resonate deeply with us all. 

My process begins with etching the initial drawing using the back of my brush in a technique akin to scraping. This foundation is then meticulously layered with multiple hues and textures, each stroke building a particular character and vibrancy to each individual painting. I always work in series of paintings; each group of work captures the season in which they are created. I like to use flowers and blossoms to represent growth and beauty, alongside triangles to depict the reflective prisms of light that surround us.

Every angel I paint is a unique entity, telling its own story and imparting its own wish. I sell only original paintings of each angel as well as a series of cards.


Flora and Fauna